Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Project management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 3
Project management - Essay Example ________________________ helped me throughout the session and due to him, I become able to submit my work on time. Here I want to thanks my parents as well for all their prayers and support. By, Department of Project Management, Faculty of Management Sciences _____________________________________________ Dated: 15-04-2012 Contents Introduction 5 Main Body 6 Pert Technique: A Complete Overview 6 Conclusion 12 Bibliography 13 Introduction According to large number of professionals and corporate analysts, organisation has been referred to a place in which hundreds of people work together for the achievement of a specific goal. This is an obvious fact that, every organisation has the same perspective in its mind which is to broaden the net income recognition (Borodovsky & Gogarten, 2010, pp 25). The leniency of the organisations towards its bottom line and external shareholders is one of the main things for the organisational productivity and efficiency (Borodovsky & Gogarten, 2010, pp 4 6). The real dominance of an organisation lies in the fact that how well it uses its natural and human capital for the long run productivity and efficiency of the entity. Strategies are at the heart of an organisation and no organisation can sustain completely in this competitive environment without employing strategies. It is more than important for an organisation to timely check and measures its operational strategies to cope up with all sorts of challenges which the company may encounter during its operations (Borodovsky & Gogarten, 2010, pp 35). Organisation is basically a set of departments that collectively works for the long run efficiency of the company and inevitably, no organisation can sustain without the ad hoc working of its different departments (Borodovsky & Gogarten, 2010, pp 37) Finance department plays a decisive role in the productivity of an organization. Organizations always want to fly high with the help of high income generation (Borodovsky & Gogarten, 2010, PP. 49). Project Management and Project Evaluation is extremely important from the standpoint of an organization and there are numerous benefits attached with the same. The main perspective of this assignment is to pen down about the concept of PERT in Project Management. Main Body Pert Technique: A Complete Overview Project management is the discipline of forecast, organizing, securing and running property to convey about the successful completion of feature engineering cast goals and objectives (Ackerman, 2002, PP. 65). It is sometimes conflated with list management, however technically that is actually a superior intensity construction: a group of connected and somehow interdependent engineering projects. A foresee is an acting work, having a clear start and end (usually constrained by court, but can be by funding or deliverables), undertaken to assemble matchless goals and objectives, usually to earn about beneficial change or added regard The Project Management Instituted, an i nternational association for the predict management profession, has destroyed pitch management into the following areas of wisdom: Integration, Scope, Time, Cost, Quality, Human Resources, Communications, Risk, and Procurement Management. Each phase is precisely managed to establish a successful propel outcome, although the smooth of portion essential for each outlook varies according to the mass and precise objectives of the project. The primary
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Climate Change Impact On Agriculture In Pakistan
Climate Change Impact On Agriculture In Pakistan Climate change is a phenomenon that arises due to emissions of greenhouse gases from fuel combustion, deforestation, urbanization and industrialization, resulting variations in solar energy, temperature and precipitation. (Upreti, 1999). It is a real threat to life which largely affects water resources, agriculture, coastal regions, freshwater habitats, vegetation, forests, snow cover, and geological processes such as melting, land sliding, desertification and floods all of which have long-term affects on food security and human health. (G.Malla.2008). Climate change is a global issue; debated on at all fronts whether its political, economic or scientific. Climate must be prevented from further damage. Before the end arrives, there is a need on all levels of society to understand climate, the factors behind change and its impact on our agriculture and economy. It is a well known fact that agriculture is the backbone of Pakistan. Agriculture and agri-related activities form 80% of the countrys economy. Agriculture is comparatively more sensitive to changes in climate, and can be impacted severely due to events such as untimely rainfalls, extreme temperatures and carbondioxide concentrations. A need arises to closely observe the environment and take up necessary measures for tackling these challenges. This research work is an attempt to address the issues and problems faced by Pakistans agricultural sector and find the necessary solutions. 2. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM: Pakistans economy and prosperity is closely linked to its agriculture. Pakistans economic activities relate directly or indirectly to agricultural sector. Agricultural sector is dependent on nature. The uncertain changes in nature i.e. changing in precipitation pattern, extremely high and low temperatures, cyclones, thunderstorms, variation in water level, impurification of air, water and soil, have made agriculture and agri-production a challenging issue. Unusual heavy rain storms in 2010, which resulted in floods and distortion of agriculture and property, are an example of climate change. The loss to the economy and the people sufferings are still remembered and unforgettable. It is the need of the day to carefully observe climate change, the causes of extreme weather events and find the necessary solutions to the problems. Issues regarding susceptibility to extreme climate conditions should be addressed with seriousness to save Pakistans agricultural sector and consequently the national economy. This research study is an attempt in addressing and ultimately solving the problems faced by Pakistans agriculture sector due to uncertain climate revolutionization. 3. OBJECTIVES: Considering the importance of agricultural sector for the economy and food requirements of Pakistan, there is a need for reliable estimates of major crop production under varied climate change provisions and circumstances. Although climate is an immeasurable fact that is affected by various factors i.e. Carbon dioxide concentration in atmosphere, temperature variations, precipitation rates, water level, soil erosion, salinity etc. The factors that are directly effecting crop production are temperature and precipitation rates. This research study will analyze crop production with temperature and precipitation rates. The core purposes of this research study will be as under; 1. To observe the trend of climate change from the last three decades i.e. from 1980 to 2010; 2. To analyze temperature and rainfall, as the key factors effecting agricultural production, with the major cash crops and food crops in Khyber Pakhtunkhawa; 3. To investigate the probable impacts of recent and predicted future climate change on different crops production; 4. To scrutinize different adaptive strategies in coping with the catastrophic conditions of environment and improving the total crops yield; 4. SIGNIFICANCE: Pakistan is an agricultural country; climate change impact on agricultural sector is a serious issue that demands immediate attention. This research study mainly focuses on the impact of climate change on agricultural sector of Pakistan such as untimely rainfalls and temperature variations that ultimately results in either prolonged droughts, unalarmed floods, increase in soil erosions and decrease in land productivity, which ultimately results in the migrations and desertification. The countrys socio-economic setup suffers the most that leads to a weak nation. The most recent impact of climate change was seen in July 2010, when floods destroyed thousands of villages all over Pakistan. The greatest hit among them was Khyber Pakhtunkhawa (KPK). The core purpose of this research study is to analyze the temperature and precipitation effects on agricultural produce in Khyber Pakhtunkhawa. Major crops will be taken up in this regard, to analyze them in relation with temperature and precipitation from 1980 to 2010. Predictions of temperature and precipitation will help us adapt in the future with extreme cropping and harvesting seasons. Prevention can be done before disaster strikes to safeguard the interest of a poor farmer. 5. RESEARCH QUESTIONS: This research study will strive towards finding answers to the following questions; 1. Is there any potential damage caused by climate change to Pakistans economy as a whole and agriculture sector in particular? 2. What are the impacts of 2010 floods on the production of major crops in Khyber Pakhtunkhawa? 3. Are there any adaptative strategies to climate change that can help rural communities strengthen their capacity to cope with disasters? 4. What should be the future land-management skills of farmers to climate change? 5. What measures should be taken in the future to diversify the livelihood of the poor farmers? 6. METHODOLOGY: The methodology to be adopted for this study will be as under; Major factors effecting climate change on agricultural sector are temperature and precipitation rates. According to the plant physiology literature, plant development is a linear positive function of temperature, within a range of temperature between minimum and maximum thresholds (Ritchie and Smith, 1991). Keeping this in mind, the econometric model used for analyzing the climate impact on agricultural sector will employ both maximum and minimum temperatures, which are positively related to crops yield. Moreover, precipitation rates effecting crops yields will be captured by the relevant econometric and mathematical equations. The data regarding the temperature and precipitation variables will be obtained from Pakistan Metrological Department. The data for the total yield of various crops in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK) will be attained from the Pakistan Federal Bureau of Statistics. Climate change trend will also be observed by engaging different econometric and statistical techniques and procedures. The econometric model used in the research study will be analyzed with the help of econometric software; SPSS or SAS. The detailed analysis of the econometric models will be explained and conclusions will be drawn from it. The socioeconomic impacts on people as well as on the development of country will also be addressed. Future recommendations as well as the adaptive strategies for copping with extreme environment conditions will also be given. 7. PROVISIONAL CHAPTER STRUCTURE: The proposed chapter structure of the study will be as under; CHAPTER I; Agriculture sector and its importance to the economy of Pakistan. CHAPTER II; Climate change and its impact on Pakistan agricultural sector. CHAPTER III; Agricultural production in Khyber Pakhtunkhawa as affected by the change in climatic conditions; Review of the major crops over the last three decades. CHAPTER IV; Analysis and investigation of the major crops of Khyber Pakhtunkhawa with climate change factors, using Econometric techniques. CHAPTER V; Concluding the study; various adaptability and compatibility strategies in relation to climate change will be discussed. 8. LITERATURE REVIEW: Agriculture is extremely vulnerable to climate change. Higher temperatures ultimately reduce yields of desirable crops while encouraging weed and pest production. Changes in precipitation patterns elevate the short-run crop malfunction and declines long-run productions . Although there will be an increase in some crops production in some regions of the world, the overall impacts of climate change on agriculture are expected to be negative, intimidating global food security. International Food Policy Research Institute (2009) conducted a study that concentrates on various agricultural sector issues in Asia and the Pacific. It presents indicators of exposure, sensitivity, and adaptive capacity of agriculture sector in the region. Those indicators underline the vulnerability of the agriculture sector as a source of livelihood and food security for many people. This study also represents vast heterogeneity in farming systems across Central, East, Southeast, and South Asia and the Pacific Islands. It also highlights many other aspects of vulnerability to climate change across the region that includes undernourishment, poverty and slow productivity., all of which are aggravated by the effects of climate change. Neil Leary and Jyoti Kulkarni, (2007), work is based on a combination of case studies from different regions of the world. These studies have debated climate vulnerability to impacts from climate variation and change. The potential outcomes from exposure to climate hazards and climate change are identified as high-level concern in these studies.. It includes water scarcity that retards progress towards development goals, losses of entire ecosystems and their species, more frequent and greater loss of life in coastal zones, land degradation, food insecurity and famine, loss of livelihoods and increase in infectious disease epidemics. All of these are possible outcomes of exposure to climate hazards. It is a source of greater information as it has addressed climate change impacts on all fronts of life whether it is social, economic or political. Santiago Olmos (2001) provides an outline of adaptation issues, subject to climate vulnerability literature and climate discussions. This paper covers assessments of climate vulnerability in various regions of the world and developing countries in particular. The paper also discusses some of the existing resources that can be used to conduct climate vulnerability assessments and adaptation work. The current research work is unique in the sense that it will point out the impacts of climate change on the agricultural sector of Pakistan. More specifically, major areas of concern will be the climate impact on crops yields in Khyber Pakhtunkhawa over the last three decades. The direct and indirect social and economic impacts of climate change will also be analyzed in this study. Adaptive and preventive measures in copping with extreme climate conditions will also be given in this research study.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Langston Hughes :: essays research papers fc
Langston Hughes      Langston Hughes was an African-American writer of the Harlem Renaissance era. Born in Joplin, Missouri, in 1902, Langston Hughes had a rough upbringing because of all the changes that were occurring at the time. A major upset in his life was when his father left to Mexico to continue his studies in law. When Hughes was seven or eight, he lived with his grandmother who told him stories of important historical African American heroes, such as Frederick Douglas, Sojourner Truth, and she even took him to hear W.E.B. DuBois. Such tales encouraged young Langston to do great things in his life as an African-American growing up in a prejudice world.      Later on, Langston Hughes decided to move to New York, more specifically, Harlem, New York. Alain Locke, a black writer and educator, described it as, â€Å"Here in Manhattan is not merely the largest Negro community in the world, but the first concentration in history of so many diverse elements of Negro life†¦In Harlem, Negro life is seizing upon its first chances for group expression and self-determination.†(Bernard, p.52) Here he was introduced and also became, apart of the Harlem Renaissance. â€Å"New York attracted a large influx of blacks from the West Indies and even Africa.†(Bernard, p.53) This can better be called The Great Migration. In Harlem, Langston Hughes was exposed to the soothing sounds of Jazz and the Blues. â€Å"Hughes’ poetry absorbed the rhythms of blues and jazz†¦The sights and sounds of Harlem, it’s music†¦inspired Langston more than his classes in mining and engineering.†(Bernard, p.3 0) â€Å"The Weary Blues†and â€Å"Trumpet Player,†are two poems that demonstrate that Langston Hughes’ poetry was influenced by the music of Harlem. In the poem â€Å"The Weary Blues,†Hughes discusses his experience of watching another black artist. The fact that he is writing about his observation of a musical artist demonstrates that his poetry is influenced by music. Hughes writes, â€Å"Rocking back and forth to a mellow croon, I heard a Negro play.†(DY, p.594) Hughes is describing the artist’s actions at the moment. He describes even where this performance is taking place in Harlem, â€Å"Down on Lenox Avenue the other night.†(DY, p.594) Hughes uses the sound of the music, the actions of the artist, and his surroundings in order to form eloquent poetry. He uses intricate detail about the sounds of the music, in order to help the reader feel as if they are there themselves.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Katherine Kolcaba’s Comfort Theory Essay
Katherine Kolcaba’s Comfort Theory fits best with my philosophy of nursing and my current work environment. As a hospice nurse comfort is the top priority. The goal of hospice care is to provide comfort and dignity at the end of life. The technical term for comfort for health care is the immediate state of being strengthened by having the needs for relief, ease, and transcendence addressed in the four context of holistic human experience: physical, psychospiritual, sociocultural, and environment. The change goal would be to implement Kolcaba’s taxonomic structure of comfort as a way for the hospice unit staff to measure comfort. Katherine Kolcaba’s Comfort Theory Kolcaba was born as Katherine Arnold on December 8th, in Cleveland, Ohio. She received her diploma in nursing from St. Luke’s Hospital School of Nursing in 1965. She graduated from the Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing, Case Western Reserve University in 1987. She graduated with a PhD in nursing and received a certificate of authority clinical nursing specialist in 1997. She specialized in Gerontology, End of Life and Long Term Care Interventions, Comfort Studies, Instrument Development, Nursing Theory, and Nursing Research. She is currently and associate professor of nursing at the University of Akron College of Nursing. She published Comfort Theory and Practice: a Vision for Holistic Health Care and Research (Nursing Theories, 2011). Description Comfort Theory is a middle range theory for health practice, education, and research. Comfort is viewed as an outcome of care that can promote or facilitate health-seeking behaviors. Increasing comfort can result in having negative tensions reduced and positive tensions engaged. Kolcaba (as cited in McEwin & Wills, 2011) defined comfort within nursing practice as â€Å"the satisfaction of the basic human needs for relief, ease, or transcendence arising from health care situations that are stressful†(p. 34). Purpose According to Kolcaba, (2010) â€Å"the overall purpose of Comfort Theory, was to highlight the importance of comforting patients in this high tech world. It is what they want and need from us. †Origin. To describe the origin or development of Comfort Theory, Kolcaba conducted a concept analysis of comfort that examined literature from several disciplines including nursing, medicine, psychology, psychiatry, ergonomics, and English. First, three types of comfort (relief, ease, transcendence) and four contexts of holistic human experience in differing aspects of therapeutic contexts were introduced. A taxonomic structure was developed to guide for assessment, measurement, and evaluation of patient comfort (Nursing Theories, 2011). Major concepts. Major concepts described in the Theory of Comfort include comfort, comfort care, comfort measures, comfort needs, health-seeking behaviors, institutional integrity, and intervening variables (Kolcaba, 2010). Propositions. Kolcaba (as cited in McEwin & Wills, 2011) defines eight propositions that link the defined concepts: * Nurses and members of the health care team identify comfort needs of patients and family members * Nurses design and coordinate interventions to address comfort needs * Intervening variables are considered when designing interventions * When interventions are delivered in a caring manner and are effective, the outcome of enhanced comfort is attained * Patients, nurses and other health care team members agree on desirable and realistic health-seeking behaviors * If enhanced comfort is achieved, patients, family members and/or nurses are more likely to engage in health-seeking behaviors; these further enhance comfort * When patients and family members are given comfort care and engage in health-seeking behaviors, they are more satisfied with health care and have better health-related outcomes * When patients, families, and nurses are satisfied with health care in an institution, public acknowledgement about that institution’s contributions to health care will help the institution remain viable and flourish. Evidence-based practice or policy improvements may be guided by these propositions and the theoretical framework (P. 234). Population According to the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization, (NHPCO, 2012) in 2011, an estimated 1. 65 million patients received services from hospice and an estimated 44. 6% of all deaths in the United States were patients under hospice care. In 2001, an estimated 36. 6% of cancer patients accessed three of more days of hospice care. The median length of service in 2011 was 19. 1 days. 56. 4% of hospice patients were female and 43. 6% were male. 83. % of hospice patients were 65 years of age or older, and more than one-third of all hospice patients were 85 years of age or older. 82. 8% of hospice patients were white/Caucasian. Patients of minority (non-Caucasian) race accounted for more than one fifth of hospice patients. Today cancer diagnoses account for less than half of all hospice admissions (37. 7%). Currently less than 25% of U. S. deaths are now caused by cancer, with the majority of death due to other terminal diseases. The top four non-cancer primary diagnoses for patients admitted to hospice in 2011 were debility, dementia, heart disease, and lung disease (NHPCO, 2012). Level of care There are four general levels of hospice care: routine home care, continuous home care, general inpatient care, and inpatient respite care. The facility where I currently work is a unit for general inpatient care. General inpatient care is care received in an inpatient facility for pain control or acute or complex symptom management which cannot be managed in other settings. In 2011, 2. 2% of hospice patients received general inpatient care. The percentage of hospice patients receiving care in a hospice inpatient facility increased from 21. 9% in 2010 to 26. 1% in 2011 (NHPCO, 2012). The main reason for a general inpatient admission is for comfort care that cannot be achieved at home or in another setting. Nursing Role My current role at the hospice unit is one of a staff nurse. I work three, twelve hour shifts on the dayshift. My responsibilities include the day to day care of the patients that I am assigned. I provide the patients with comfort care and symptom management based on the physicians orders. I do have certain standing orders that can be put in place without making a call to the physician and using my nursing judgment alone. I report directly to the unit manager on my unit. Power I feel that I have informal power at my facility. I have been there the longest of all the nurses, including the manager. I am the person that all the nurses turn to when there is a question regarding policy and procedure. I am the person that others seek out for advice and unfortunately the person that most nurses vent to. I am always willing to pick up extra shifts without complaining. I continually hear from the other nurses, â€Å"you never complain. †I love what I do! I love providing comfort care for patients in need. Are there days when things get crazy? Are there things I wish I could change? Absolutely, but complaining doesn’t change anything and I feel that being around someone that complains all the time bring others down as well. I always try to stay positive and encourage others. The management team comes to me as well to ask me my opinion about certain changes. I feel that I could be a positive influence for change, but ultimately the decision would not be mine to make. Any decision has to go through my unit manager and then up the chain of command to the clinical director, and executive director. Comfort Theory â€Å"Best Fit†for Hospice According to Kolcaba, (2010) health is considered to be optimal functioning, as defined by the patient, group, family, or community. There are several major assumptions in Comfort Theory. Human beings have holistic responses to complex stimuli. Comfort is a desirable holistic outcome that is germaine to the discipline of nursing, human beings strive to meet, or to have met, their basic comfort needs. It is an active endeavor. When comfort needs are met, patients are strengthened (Kolcaba, 2010). The mission statement of the company that I work for includes: * Recognize that individuals and families are the true expert in their own care; * Support each other so we can put our patients and families first; * Find creative solutions which add quality to life; * Strive for excellence beyond accepted standards, and; * Increase the community’s awareness of hospice as a part of the continuum of care. I feel that the mission of my company falls in line with the assumptions of Kolcaba’s Comfort Theory. The main goal of hospice care is comfort care. Currently we assess pain using a number scale or a face/FLACC cale depending on if the patient is able to verbally respond. The majority of our patients are unable to communicate. Pain using a face or FLACC scale can vary from nurse to nurse. The FLACC scale measures pain using face, legs, activity, cry, and consolability. Kolcaba’s taxonomic structure would be an excellent way to measure comfort on a hospice unit such as the one where I work. Development. Katherine Kolcaba developed an interest in the concept of comfort during her practice as the head nurse of a dementia care unit. Her understanding that comfort lead to optimal functioning of the dementia patients, was the beginnings of her comfort theory. Kolcaba realized the relationship between behaviors such as aggression, fighting with others, refusal to cooperate, or tearing up the environment and a patient’s comfort level. Interventions to reduce these behaviors were called comfort measures (Kolcaba, 2003). Since that time, the theory has been utilized in the fields of hospice (Kolcaba, Dowd, Steiner, & Mitzel, 2004; Vendlinski & Kolcaba, 1997), orthopaedic care of adult patients (Panno, Kolcaba, & Holder, 2000), pediatrics (Kolcaba & DiMarco, 2005), and perianasthesia nursing (Kolcaba & Wilson, 2002). Kolcaba (1994) stated, â€Å"the first dimension of the theory of comfort consists of three states of comfort called relief, ease, and transcendence†(p. 1179). Relief is having a specific comfort need meet. An example would be relief from pain. Ease is the state of calm or comfort (Kolcaba, 1994). Individuals who feel ease are in a relaxed state. Ease can add to an individual’s health seeking behavior. Transcendence is each individual’s ability to rise above one’s pain or trouble (Kolcaba & Kolcaba, 1991). The second dimension of the theory consists of the contexts in which comfort occurs. This is a holistic concept. It can be examined in the physical, psychospiritual, sociocultural, and environmental perspectives. Physical comfort pertains to the body. Musculoskeletal pain, urinary discomfort, gastrointestinal upset would fall into this category. Psychospiritual comfort pertains to self-esteem, the meaning of one’s life, and one’s connection with a higher power. Sociocultural comfort pertains to family, personal relationships, and one’s cultural background. Environmental comfort pertains to the external surrounding (Kolcaba, 1994). The theory consists of three parts. Part one describes how comfort needs are assessed, appropriate nursing interventions are implemented, and the patient experiences increased comfort. The second part of the theory describes the relationship between comfort and health seeking behaviors. Kolcaba reports that patients whose comfort needs are meet are better able to participate in positive behaviors, which promote health and well-being. The third part of the theory describes the relationship between client’s health seeking behaviors and the integrity of the institution (Kolcaba, Tilton, & Drouin, 2006). Outcome measures for institutions can be improved when staff utilizes comfort measures. It is desirable that nurses caring for hospice patients are skilled in the art of comfort. Providing physical comfort such as managing pain, positioning an individual with advanced musculoskeletal problems, keeping bowel patterns regular, assisting residents in a toileting program to avoid incontinence, and protection fragile skin are skills used on a daily basis. Nurses in hospice care must address psychospiritual concerns such as depression, the loss of physical functioning, as well as the loss of loved ones and friends. Most patients in hospice care have been forced by illness and debility to give up their homes and independence. Sociocultural comfort is provided when nurses understand a person’s cultural background. Encouraging family support and understanding a resident’s background and accomplishments assist nurses in developing interventions to support comfort. The environment also plays a part in an individual’s comfort and well-being in the long-term care environment. Providing a home-like, active, and joyful environment filled with children, animals, and treasured items from home are very important. Comfort theory has been utilized as a framework for hospice nursing (Vendlinski & Kolcaba, 1997).
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Explore the theme of rebellion in the first 3 acts of ‘The Tempest’ Essay
Rebellion is definitely an important theme throughout the play. Every character has committed an act of rebellion at some point in The Tempest. The subject of rebellion was very important to the audience at the time because of the risk of rebellion at the time against James I, who was the monarch. There is a lot of rebelling against masters, as shown by both Ariel and Caliban. In act 1 scene 2, Ariel asks Prospero for his freedom from the magician’s service, but is declined, and Prospero reminds him of what he freed Ariel from (â€Å"I must once in a month recount what thou hast been, which thou forget’st.†I.ii.262-264). Prospero tells that the reason Sycorax imprisoned Ariel, was because the spirit refused to carry out her orders, rebelling against her authority. Caliban, on the other hand, displays his rebellious stripes by agreeing to serve Trinculo and Stephano instead of Prospero (â€Å"A plague upon the tyrant that I serve! I’ll bear him no more sticks, but follow thee, thou wondrous man.†II.2.162-164). Sebastian and Antonio are first rebellious in Act I scene 2, when they refused to obey the Boatswains orders (â€Å"Hang cur, hang, you whoreson insolent noise-maker! We are less afraid to be drowned than thou art.†I.i.43-44). But in Act II scene 1, the two characters rebel against their king, Alonso, by planning to kill him (â€Å"Draw thy sword. One stroke shall free thee from the tribute which thou payest, and I the king shall love thee†II.i.292-294). But rebellion is not only present in these completely power-driven characters, but also in those characters who are powered by love, such as Miranda and Ferdinand. Ferdinand, a prince, rebels against social order and agrees to serve Prospero in order to see Miranda (â€Å"To whom I am subdued, are but light to me, might I but through my prison once a day behold this maid†I.2.489-491). Not being raised in Milan in the modern society, Miranda is not aware of the social protocol at the time when it comes to love, by asking Ferdinand to marry her (â€Å"My husband then?†III.i.89). At the beginning of the scene, Miranda sees Ferdinand against Prospero’s wishes, (â€Å"He’s safe for these three hours†III.i.21). Even before the first events of the play took place, there was a history of rebellion between Prospero, the rightful Duke of Milan and his brother, Antonio, the man who usurped him. Before being betrayed by his brother, Prospero was a negligent Duke, spending all his spare time in his study practising magic, and rebelling against the rules of society (â€Å"And rapt in secret studies†I.ii.77). Antonio, on the other hand, rebelled against the wishes of his brother by taking advantage of the power Prospero had bestowed upon him, and usurped him of his dukedom (â€Å"in my false brother awakened an evil nature; and my trust like a good parent, did beget of him†I.ii.92-94 & â€Å"he needs be Absolute Milan†I.ii.109-110). Gonzalo is the only character who can be debated in the discussion of rebellion. He does indeed show some rebellious streaks, though they a very subtle. For instance, in the first scene of play, Gonzalo vey politely disobeys the Boatswain’s command (â€Å"Good, yet remember whom thou hast aboard†I.i.19). Then in his â€Å"Utopia†speech in Act 2 scene 1, Gonzalo describes a seemingly perfect world where â€Å"all men idle†and there is no â€Å"name of magistrate†(II.i.147-156). This is more rebellious to the Jacobean audience watching the play than it is towards the other characters in the play, because Gonzalo is describing a world without any higher social order that doesn’t sound apocalyptic. It was especially risky because the play was performed in front of the king, James I, who, at the time, was suffering some political trouble. Even though each character is rebelling seemingly on their own, Prospero is really managing the rebellion. In Act 2 scene 1, Prospero uses his servant, Ariel, to purposely create particular conditions which favour this rebellious behaviour in order to prompt an act of sedition from Sebastian and Antonio. The King and the lords are purposely put to sleep by Ariel in order to offer Sebastian and Antonio an excellent opportunity to do the foul deed. But just as he creates, so Prospero prevents, and sabotages Sebastian and Antonio’s assassination plot by waking the King. In conclusion, the theme of rebellion is an important part of Shakespeare’s The Tempest, because it helps shape the play in terms of power and manipulation.
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