Monday, January 27, 2020
Disabilities, communication, disorders and giftedness
Disabilities, communication, disorders and giftedness This paper is design to create an understanding of learning disabilities, communication disorders, dual diagnosis as well as giftedness. In addition to the establishment of producing a positive learning environment for children with impairments will maximize their achievement. To understand each type of disability mention above we should look at the characteristics, causes, and definitions of each form of disability and disorder to better enhance the learning environment for both the student and the teacher. As a special educator, it is an imperative aspect to stay abreast of all disorders we come in contact with to produce a quality education for all those involved. For many students with disabilities and for those without, the key success in the classroom lies in having adaptation, accommodations and modifications made to the curriculum and instruction and other classroom activities. Learning Disabilities There are many definitions of learning disabilities. However, the most use comes from Individuals with Disability in Education Act (IDEA). It defines learning disabilities as various cognitive or psychological disorders that impede the ability to learn, especially on that interferes with ability to learn math or develop languages skills (listening, reading, writing, and speaking) (IDEA 2004). Some characteristics of learning disabilities are children having a deficits in the area of reading and written language that cannot make connection with similar concepts in learning math (cannot connect 3 + 5 = 8 when asked 5 + 8 equals), difficulty in thinking in sequential or logical order, having behaviors in the area of not being organized and losses things. No one is exactly sure what causes learning disabilities. Experts are not sure to the causes. The differences in how a persons brain works and how it process information can be from brain damage, heredity, problem during pregnancy and the environment the person lives in. Currently there is a prevalence figure of 45.3% of school- aged children in the United States classified as having a specific learning disability and receive some kind of special education support (United States Office of Special Education, 2007a). Communication Disorders Communication Disorders is the speech and language disorders that relate area such as oral and motor function. It can be verbal, nonverbal or a combination of both. It revolves three components; sender, message and receiver. Language (the system of symbols used to express and receive meaning) is a factor in each element of the process; speech (the systematic production of sound) is a factor in verbal communication. . Communication disorders include speech disorders of articulation, fluency, and voice, and language disorders. It may range from simple sound repetitions, such as stuttering, to occasional misarticulation of word and complete inability to use speech and language communication. A child who is language impaired should show skills in the primary language that are below those expected for his/her chronological age. The prevalence of language deficits in the school-age population in the United States is approximately 2.5%. and 50% of children who receive special education services from other disabilities (Hall et al., 2001). An understanding of normal patterns of language acquisition is an important part of identifying children with language disorders and developing remediation programs for them. It also involves screening, evaluating, diagnosing and making appropriate placement decisions. Giftedness Gifted children may show outstanding abilities in a variety of area including intellectual, academic aptitude, creative thinking, leadership and the visual and performing arts. They also show the ability to find and solve problems quickly. The full development of the gifted student depends on his or her environmental context, strong encouragement, and support from the family and social groups (Sydney Marland 1972). Longitudinal studies of gifted children indicated that most of them are healthy and well adjusted and achieve well into adulthood, with some exceptions that are underachievers. Teaching cognitive strategies, problem finding, problem solving, and creativity are some characteristics that special programs focus on for gifted students. Effective problem finding and problem solving skills depend on the individuals flexible use of his or her knowledge, structure and creativity. In addition, it depends on the capacity for divergent thinking, a willingness to be different and strong motivation. Underachievers have feeling of inferiority, expectation of failure and low self confidence. The prevalence of giftedness is approximately 10% to 55% of the school-age population of children who are identified (Gagne, 2003; Renzulli Reis, 2003). To uncover the abilities of children who come from cultural subgroups, special identification methods and procedures that depend less on prior knowledge and experience and more on reasoning and creative thinking are necessary. Children with physical and sensory handicaps can be intellectually gifted, but often their abilities are undiscovered because educators do not search for their special talents. Dual Diagnosis Fredericks Baldwin (1987) suggested that the term dual diagnosis be used with great care, mental health disorders is one disability with secondary characteristics growing out of the lack of environmental input that is from the sensory disability. Unfortunately, some children with certain impairments struggle in class and have behavior problems. Often these conditions may be a result from having to struggle in class and the emotional health of the child may be cause by attention deficit disorder (ADD) or Attention deficit/hyperactive disorder (ADHD). However, IDEA has a problem in the number of children that qualify as a disabled. Furthermore, Pinborough-Zimmerman, Satterfield, Miller, Bilder, Hossain and MaMohn (2007) findings confirm that 6.3% of school aged children were receiving speech therapy services and co-concurring conditions like intellectual disabilities, autism spectrum disorder and emotional behavior disorders. In the public school system the numbers have a grave implica tion to provide essential service for these children. Curriculum There should be a differentiation curriculum to serve all learners, regardless of ability, disability, age, gender or cultural and linguistic background. Curriculum should be modified appropriately. First there should be modification of learning disabilities in the area of math, reading and language. In communication disorders the teacher should make sure she speak with students with impairment the same way he/she speak to the regular education students. The curriculums for gifted students are lesson, assignments, and schedule modification are lesson generated toward higher order of thinking, content modification, and encourage group interaction. Some theorists also suggest that curriculum need to be in terms of the learning environment. The key features of educating a child with any disability or disorder is to focus on tailoring the curriculum in the areas of strengths, weaknesses, needs, interest, ability and characteristic of the child. It is important to understand the differences in order to indentify, assess, evaluate and remediate the student. Conclusion Finally, the important of regular teachers and special educators are arm with the knowledge, training and information in regards to disabilities. Students with communication disorders, giftedness, and also any other learning disabilities can learn and be successful in academics. Professional can prepare curriculum and appreciate the vital features of services for special need students. By modifying lessons for student and giving accommodations to these students with other classroom activities.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Satire in the Eighteenth Century Essay -- Literature Essays Literary C
Satire in the Eighteenth Century     New ideas, original thoughts, and fresh interpretations characterized the spirit of the eighteenth century. Science was flourishing, and therefore it brought new discoveries that challenged the traditional dominating force of religion. Influential figures of the age, such as Voltaire, Jonathan Swift, and William Hogarth, strove to assure human betterment and advance human thinking through truth and humorous criticism. They employed the use of satire in order to accomplish their common goal.  According to A Handbook of Literary Terms, satire is defined as "a work or manner that blends a censorious attitude with humor or wit for improving human institutions or humanity" (Harmon and Holman 461). The New Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics further asserts that satire is "both a mode of discourse or vision that asserts polemical or critical outlook, and also a specific literary genre, embodying that mode in either prose or verse" (Preminger and Brogan 1114). In essence, satire emerges as a device to successfully diagnose human faults and offer a cure for society.  Satire often includes abuse, sarcasm, irony, mockery, exaggeration, and understatements. Arguably Voltaire's most famous work, Candide presents a string of characters laced in exaggeration. For example, the Baron's lady was not only a large presence, but she weighed a striking three hundred and fifty pounds. Furthermore, the Baron's castle was considered a monument of prestige, "for his house had a door and several windows and his hall was actually draped in tapestry" (Voltaire 19). It is apparent that the use of the hyperbole, among other elements, played a crucial role in the potency of satir... and improves judgment: he that rectifies the public taste is a public benefactor" (Preminger and Brogan 1115). The eighteenth century was a time of transformation, in which society was in constant evolution. The progress of the age was delivered to the common person's doorstep through literature and art and reached the common person's understanding through satire. Hence, satire was both a furious weapon and a common medium that was utilized by the thinkers of the eighteenth century to promote the Enlightenment.  Works Cited "Art of William Hogarth". 7 July 2000. Harmon, William and C. Hugh Holman. A Handbook of Literary Terms. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1992. Preminger, Alex and T.V.F. Brogan, ed. The New Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics. New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1993. "Swift Biography". 8 July 2000.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
The best place to eat
The Best Place to Eat When I came at this country I had the opportunity to taste different kinds of food from different country, and all of them are delicious. I tried Mexican food, Chinese food, Ethiopia food and Italian food. At the beginning I preferred to eat Mexican food because it is the same as my country. Then I went to different Italian restaurants, and I like this type food. However, in this country there are many Italian restaurant, my favorites Italian restaurants are Olive Garden and Uno Chicago pizzeria. Even thoughOliver Garden and Uno Chicago Pizzeria are both Italian restaurants, there are some differences between them. The first reason is how they are convenience. Oliver Garden is located in the suburban area, so you have to drive some miles from the city. In contrast, Uno Chicago Pizzeria is located in the city center, and you can take the metro or bus because the subway station is in front of the restaurant. Also, they have differences on their rules of parking. U no Chicago Pizzeria is locatable on the mall differ from Oliver Garden. For instances, In Oliver Garden you have to pay $10. per hour parking, while in Uno Chicago Pizzeria you do no need to pay it because you just need to validate your ticket in the restaurant and have free parking.. To sum up, these restaurants have the same kind of food, but their location are different. Another reason is their food. Oliver Garden has a lot of variety food, whereas Uno Chicago Pizzeria its specialty is pizzas. Oliver Garden server a lot of choices such as pastas, pizzas, salads, soups, and seafood, while Uno Chicago Pizzeria Jus has a lot of choices on pizzas and some salads.In addition, their food quality is different. Uno Chicago Pizzeria shows its customers on the menu how many calories each choice has; on the other hand, Oliver Garden does not have nutrition information on their menu. For example, if you go to eat at Oliver Garden, you do not how many calories have the dish that you are eatin g. However, Uno Chicago Pizzeria shows you all the information about nutrition information. All in all, these restaurant have different variety and quality, but their food is delicious. The final difference is the atmosphere hat you live in these restaurants.Oliver Garden does not provide entertainment; nevertheless, Uno Chicago Pizzeria provides a lot entertainment. For instances, in Uno Chicago Pizzeria, you can listen music and watch TV while you are eating and enjoy that moment. On the other hand, Oliver Garden does not have these entertainment. Also, Uno Chicago Pizzeria makes decoration in the restaurant on every holiday, whereas Oliver Garden has the same decoration the whole year. For example, in Valentin's days Uno Chicago Pizzeria puts hearths and chocolates to ecorate their tables.In contrast, Oliver Garden does not have nothing to call the attention of costumers on this especial day. Oliver Garden and Uno Chicago Pizzeria are both Italian restaurant, yet their atmosphere is different. To conclude, restaurants are different one to another one. Oliver Garden and Uno Chicago Pizzeria are different in their location, food and atmosphere. It will be interesting to look forward if these restaurants are still continues having the same or more differences. the best place to eat By wendy-fuentes
Friday, January 3, 2020
Americans Spend Over 100 Hours a Year Commuting
At a nationwide average one-way drive-time of about 25.5 minutes, Americans spend more than 100 hours a year commuting to work, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. Yes, thats more than the average two weeks of vacation time (80 hours) taken by many workers during a year. This number has increased by over a minute in 10 years. â€Å"This annual information on commuters and their work trips and other transportation-related data will help local, regional and state agencies maintain, improve, plan and develop the nation’s transportation systems,†said Census Bureau Director Louis Kincannon in a press release. â€Å"American Community Survey data will provide valuable assistance to agencies offering housing, education and other public services as well.†Data has been released through 2013. Compare this with the federal governments estimate of computing the hourly rate based on working 2,080 hours per year. Spending 100 hours commuting adds a significant amount of unpaid time to the work day of the American worker. Map of Commute Times You can find the average commute time for most communities in the U.S. with a map based on the U.S. Census Bureau data provided by WNYC. The color-coded map shades commute times from white for zero minutes to deep purple for more than an hour. If you are deciding on where to move, the map can give you interesting information on your commute times. The data released for 2013 showed that only 4.3 percent of workers had no commute because they worked from home. Meanwhile, 8.1 percent had commutes of 60 minutes or more. A quarter of commuters cross county lines going to and from work. Maryland and New York have the highest average commute times while North Dakota and South Dakota have the lowest. Megacommutes Almost 600,000 American workers have megacommutes of at least 90 minutes and 50 miles. They are more likely to carpool than those with shorter commutes, but that number is still only 39.9 percent. Carpooling in general has declined since the year 2000. However, not all of them are driving as 11.8 percent take rail and 11.2 percent take other forms of public transportation. Long commutes are highest for those in the state of New York at 16.2 percent, Maryland (14.8 percent), and New Jersey (14.6 percent). Three-quarters of megacommuters are male and they are more likely to be older, married, make a higher income, and have a spouse who doesnt work. They often depart for work before 6 a.m. Alternate Commutes Those who take public transit, walk, or bike to work still make up a small part of the total. That overall number hasnt changed much since 2000, although the segments of it have. There has been a slight increase in those who take public transit, with 5.2 percent in 2013 compared with 4.7 percent in 2000. There was a dip in those who walk to work by one-tenth of a percent and growth in those who bike by two-tenths of a percent. But those numbers are still small at 2.8 percent walking to work and 0.6 percent biking to work. Sources: Megacommuters. U.S. Census Bureau Release Number: CB13-41. U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey 2013.
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